Facts about Salts

Feb. 15, 2021, 11 a.m. by Karuwaki Speaks ( 994 views)

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Salt is also called sodium chloride (NaCl). It consists of 40% sodium and 60% chloride, by weight. Salt is by far the biggest dietary source of sodium, and the words “salt” and “sodium” are often used interchangeably.

Facts about Salts|Karuwakispeaks

How much salt?


Adults should eat no more than 6g of salt a day (2.4g sodium) – that's around 1 teaspoon.


Children aged:

  1. 1 to 3 years should eat no more than 2g salt a day (0.8g sodium)
  2. 4 to 6 years should eat no more than 3g salt a day (1.2g sodium)
  3. 7 to 10 years should eat no more than 5g salt a day (2g sodium)
  4. 11 years and over should eat no more than 6g salt a day (2.4g sodium)


Babies should not eat much salt, because their kidneys are not fully developed to process it. Babies under 1 year old should have less than 1g of salt a day.

Facts about Salts|Karuwakispeaks

Foods that contain salt

Some foods are almost always high in salt because of the way they are made.

Other foods, such as bread and breakfast cereals, can contribute a lotof salt to our diet. But that's not because these foods are always high in salt – it's because we eat a lot of them.

In the following foods, the salt content can vary widely between different brands or varieties.

That means you can cut down on salt by comparing brands and choosing the one that is lower in salt. Nutrition labels can help you do this.

These foods include:

  1. bread products such as crumpets, bagels and ciabatta
  2. pasta sauces
  3. crisps
  4. pizza
  5. ready meals
  6. soup
  7. sandwiches
  8. sausages
  9. tomato ketchup, mayonnaise and other sauces
  10. breakfast cereals

What Are the Health Risks of Eating Too Much Salt?

  1. Increases Water Retention
  2. Damages Cardiovascular Health
  3. Higher Risk of Osteoporosis
  4. May Increase Your Risk for Stomach Cancer

Disclaimer: This article is not a substitute for qualified medical advice. Please consult your trusted medical professional for further information.


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